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Spoil your child with The Hunty Series of books by Steve Murray
Welcome to the thrilling world of the Hunty series—a high-flying adventure written specifically for pre-teens! 📚✨
🚀 Join Michael: The Boy Jet Fighter Pilot! 🚀
Grab your flight suit (or cozy reading nook) and join Michael on his daring missions.
Place your order by sending a mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
He who hesitates loses out. Place your order NOW!
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Browse through our shop for books by talented South African authors and Poets. To keep prices down for you we print on demand so please allow up to 10 days for delivery (in the worst-case scenario). Through our Treasure Chest we give you FREE access to view the works of these talented writers. Read online or download and read later. Purchase 5 or more different books and get FREE delivery through PAXI (Pep to Pep store) - *Online RSA Clients only.
We Publish, Market and Sell Fiction, Non-Fiction, Children’s Stories and Poetry that meet our selection criteria. |
Ons Publiseer, Bemark en Verkoop Fiksie, Nie-Fiksie, Kinderstories en Poësie wat aan ons keuringskriteria voldoen.
This involves: Acquisition of ISBN Layout and proofreading for a nominal fee Provision to the author of two copies of his work plus 1 for the National Library Marketing on social media Marketing to selected bookshops countrywide on a monthly basis Publishing on Amazon to generate international sales Selling the work in our online store in paperback and ebook formats We pay royalties of 30% of the net profit on book sales on a bi-annual basis (June and December) Discounts for the author are available and are addressed in the contract. All of the above takes place after acceptance and signing of a contract with the author. Manuscripts that do not meet our selection criteria may, of course be self published. We do not do self publishing but can now refer self publishers to our affiliate MyNovel who supply advice and a range of services, at an excellent rate, to the self publisher. (www.mynovel.co.za) * We are under no obligation to supply reasons for rejection of a manuscript. *For a comprehensive list of our services to authors, click This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to send a mail. |
Dit behels: Verkryging van ISBN; Uitleg en proeflees teen 'n billike bedrag; Voorsiening aan die skrywer van twee eksemplare van sy werk plus 1 vir die Nasionale Biblioteek; Bemarking op sosiale media en WhatsApp-groepe; Bemarking aan geselekteerde boekwinkels landwyd op 'n maandelikse basis; Publisering op Amazon om internasionale verkope te genereer; Die verkoop van die werk in ons aanlynwinkel in sagteband- en e-boekformate; Ons betaal tantième van 30% van die netto wins op boekverkope op 'n tweejaarlikse basis aan skrywers (Junie en Desember) Afslag vir die skrywer is beskikbaar en word in die kontrak aangespreek. Al die bogenoemde vind plaas na aanvaarding en ondertekening van 'n kontrak met die skrywer. Manuskripte wat nie aan ons keuringskriteria voldoen nie, mag natuurlik self gepubliseer word. Ons doen nie Selfpubliseering nie, maar kan nou Selfpubliseerders verwys na ons geaffilieerde, MyNovel , wat advies en 'n reeks dienste teen billike pryse aan die selfpubliseerder verskaf. (www.mynovel.co.za) * Ons is onder geen verpligting om redes vir die verwerping van 'n manuskrip te verskaf nie. *Vir 'n omvattende lys van ons dienste aan skrywers, en kriteria vir manuskripvoorlegging, stuur vir ons 'n e-pos deur This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. te klik |
Some of the highlights from our book launch in April 2019
* Our links to Amazon are to assist our clients who do not reside in South Africa to purchase books published by us. We are an associate of Amazon and may be eligible to earn from our recommendations.